Adrenaline Rush क्या होता है? | Adrenaline Rush | Health Live
According to Web MD, In a stressful situation, you may start to feel different. Your palms may start to sweat. You could be looking for a way out of the situation. Your heart is most likely racing. This is also known as a fight or flight experience. Adrenaline causes these symptoms. This stress hormone is created in the adrenal medulla, which is found in your adrenal glands. As your body responds to stress, adrenaline is made and released quickly. This gives you an adrenaline rush.When you’re experiencing an adrenaline rush, your muscles are using the glycogen stored in your body. This process helps them maintain strong, extended contractions. An adrenaline rush is meant to keep you focused and ready to go. One misconception is that you don’t feel pain during an adrenaline rush. This is not true. You just may be too distracted by the adrenaline to experience the full extent of pain.